Instructional Design

This course allowed me to utilize various instructional systems design models to guide me in systematically developing an effective instructional unit. Theoretical and practical issues in instructional systems design were examined.


Instructional Unit 1: The Learners, Their Environment, and the Instructional Goal


Instructional Unit 2: The Task Analysis and Instructional Objectives


Instructional Unit 3: The Performance Objectives and Assessment

  • IU-PartThree 


Instructional Unit 4: The Instructional Strategy


Instructional Unit 5: The Formative Evaluation

Final Exam

Cooperative Project Overview

Drawn from an instructional design/development model (ISD), this joint project is intended to demonstrate competences (skills and knowledge) and to develop dispositions acquired in the course. One primary purpose of the Cooperative Project is to assist in conceptualizing and demonstrating how learning occurs in a non-colocated (virtual or distributed) group setting. Your group is expected to proceed with functionality and collaboration in accordance with the Star Legacy Model.

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